1000 words, 1 challenge: Countless tomorrows of already bettered bodies

Life is better when lived out with self-compassion and acceptance. Refuse to believe this is selfish or arrogant- it isn’t. Self-worth is multi-dimensional; diverse in characteristics and morals.  Those values you own, others appreciate them, didn’t you know?
We observe beauty in new and unfamiliar things. Like landscapes and animals or cultures. We appreciate them and value them; we aspire to see more of them. So why when we see different and unfamiliar bodies, of size, colour, ethnicity, do we not celebrate them too?

Blessed with bodies from birth, these blank canvases deserve to be adorned, dressed up, customized and appreciated by us; for us, to whatever means we desire. We must praise each other for expression through our bodies. Why be so shallow to command the identical and indistinguishable form of bodies in order to gain acceptance in society?
Instead of the barrage of undeniably toxic media messages on the girls, boys, men and women of this era, why are we not inspiring those who haven’t realised their beauty yet? Inspiring them to look past the façade, the exoskeleton, to appreciate all that makes them a person.

Work to comprehend how people can be happy. Happy at any size, shape, weight. Happy with their religion, ethnicity, background, morals.
Happy happens, and there is no blueprint. No magic number you must weigh or size you must fit. What we define people by is their morals, their actions. After all, they speak louder than words, do they not?

I challenge people to see appearances, to appreciate them and then look further in.
I challenge you to realise why you’re appreciated.
I challenge us all to question the dubious importance of aesthetics, appearance and looks over importance of personality, values and morals.
I challenge society to melt, re-mould and set ‘ideals’. Instead, question why all canvases need to be the same, to conform, to be accepted.

Screw the expectations and accepted requirements for beauty.
Beauty does exist. Yes, it does. It’s all around us. It’s what we see, what we smell, what we think, what we taste. Beauty is seeing a new born baby. Beauty is in witnessing the first frost of the autumn. Beauty is hearing rain drops on tall palm leaves.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, beauty is: ‘a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.’ So why then do we, as a society of Westernised culture, lack appreciation for all shapes or forms?
Fat, in its original noun use, is a natural oily substance occurring in animal bodies, often as a layer beneath the skin or around organs. It is a nutritional and scientific term, which has become a derogatory adjective, and not the simple part of life it actually is. Do not promulgate this idea to friends, family, at home or in the media. Fat is just that: something that happens.

Body image is to be discussed. It needs to be a part of our wellbeing we give time to. We need to know that.

I know this to be true.
I know this to be true that life is better with compassion for yourself.
I know it to be true that when you stop wasting time on worrying about how your body is seen, measured and thought of, that you find real beauty in the smallest things in your daily life.
I know this to be true that eating disorders are not your friend, despite everything they make you believe.
I know this to be true that bodies are one of the most beautiful creations, that allow us to live, that fight daily to save, heal and keep us alive.

In such ‘advance’ societies around the world (as we believe we are), we must not ignore beauty, nor vilify it, but celebrate its countless forms and appearances in life every single day.
Beauty lies in the smallest things, the largest things, the most familiar and most strange. The sooner we accept the nature of beauty and apply it to ourselves, each other; we will no doubt find harmony and calm.

When we believe the importance of the body, for living and not just for looking, we will, without effort, pass this down to the young girls and boys of new generations.
People come from all around the world. Some prefer bigger bodies, some prefer paler skin, and some just don’t care. Why, when we say we’re in a modernizing society of acceptance, do we continue to broadcast the same images and expectations and ideals to an ever-expanding and diversifying population.

Own who you are. Own your skin tone; own your hair. From your flaws to what you’re proud of; take your values, your strengths and your failings. Take it all and see it for the complete, come as you are, package. The way you dress, the way you talk, embrace it. Because who will respect you for that if you don’t first do that yourself?

Theft is a crime. Do not let Photoshopped, manicured and perfectly primped images of unrealistic women or women make you feel any less than the woman or man you are. Do not let them steal your self-confidence, your self-love and most importantly, your self-worth. Rebel against confidence theft. Shout loudly that you will continue to recognize the value of the shell we know as a body, that we do the dance of life with each day.

Hating others will not make you better.
Wishing you were something else will not change you.
Do not believe there is a design; a draft or perfect recipe for happiness- there isn’t one.
Remember each day that you are worthy.
No amount of wishing will change what you need to do yourself.
Don’t do battle with those around you; you never know when you’ll need them.

Life is better when lived out with self-compassion and acceptance. Refuse to believe this is selfish or arrogant- it isn’t.